GW's educational facilities are at the forefront of academic medicine and give GW students a decided edge over their counterparts in programs at other institutions. The Clinical Learning and Simulation Skills (CLASS) Center , which opened its doors on March 1, 2014, provides one of the most innovative educational environments in the nation. Here, students supplement their classroom learning with comprehensive clinical exposure, feedback, and evaluation that prepare them to become both technically adept and compassionate caregivers.
What makes the CLASS Center even more unique is its versatility. While it was designed primarily to educate medical students, its cutting-edge technology makes it an ideal setting to teach students from almost any discipline within the GW Community. Additionally, special training opportunities are available to GW residents as well as medical professionals not affiliated with GW.
The CLASS Center is comprised of 17,000+ sq. ft. of simulation, standardized patient , and learning/ convening spaces. The new Center includes the following rooms:
14 Exam Rooms (2 Inpatient) | 2 High Fidelity Rooms |
3 Conference Rooms (each holds 12 students) | 2 Operating Rooms |
1 Procedural Skills Lab | 1 Labor and Delivery Suite |

The CLASS Center enables the creation of highly realistic scenarios for real-time training, utilizing mock high fidelity rooms to offer hands-on practice of essential skills, procedures, and critical care.