
About the CLASS Center

GW's educational facilities are at the forefront of academic medicine and give GW students a decided edge over their counterparts in programs at other institutions. The Clinical Learning and Simulation Skills (CLASS) Center provides one of the most innovative educational environments in the nation. Here, students supplement their classroom learning with comprehensive clinical exposure, feedback, and evaluation that prepare them to become both technically adept and compassionate caregivers.

Outpatient consultation
Outpatient Education Rooms

The outpatient exam rooms are designed to teach and evaluate medical students in basic clinical skills, including history taking, physical examination, communication and relationship building.

Non-Human simulation rooms
Non-Human Simulation Rooms

Our High Fidelity, Labor and Delivery, OR and Skills Lab rooms provide state-of-the art high-fidelity patient simulators, task trainers and surgical simulators to provide hands-on practice of essential skills, procedures, and critical care training.

Doctor checking the ears of a patient
Standardized Patients (SPs)

Standardized patients, or actors playing the role of actual patients, play an important role in the medical student’s practical education—the learning of interviewing and physical examination skills.